Traited Seed - CORN
We are a proud dealer of French's Hybrids Field Corn
Liberty Link® Hybrids
Contains technology that allows crop to tolerate Glufosinate.
Agrisure® GT
Contains technology that allows crop to tolerate Glyphosate.
Roundup Ready® Corn 2
Contains technology that allows crop to tolerate Glyphosate-based Roundup® brands
Varieties below are insect protected products and require a 20% refuge area
Herculex® Xtra
Offers most complete trait option for non-Roundup Ready® acres. Features protections from corn borer, corn rootworm, western bean cutworm, black cutworm, and fall armyworm. Allows use of Liberty® herbicide or conventional herbicide program.
Agrisure® 3000GT
Features corn borer and corn rootworm protection in addition to Glyphosate (Roundup®) and Glufosinate (Liberty®) tolerance
Agrisure® Viptera™ 3111
Same herbicide flexibility as Agrisure® 3000 GT. Offers the broadest available spectrum of above and below ground insect control.
Corn blends with refuge seed in bag
Genuity® VT Triple Pro® Corn RIB Complete®
Corn blend with 10% refuge seed in every bag. Combines insect and weed control technology. Tolerant to Glyphosate.
Genuity® Smartstax® Corn RIB Complete®
Corn blend with 5% refuge seed in every bag. Has the broadest spectrum of insect control on the market with Roundup Ready® 2 Technology and Liberty Link® herbicide tolerance
All seed corn is treated with Cruiser-Maxx® Corn 250 or Poncho® 250 plus N-Hibit® (Harpin Biological) and fungicide. French's reserves the right to substitute hybrids due to supply situations. Early order and payment guarantees purchase price.
Contact us by email or phone for a current price sheet, to make an order, or to arrange order pickup.