Soybean - Conventional non-GMO
DKG 3808 (3.8) - Branded Quality Assured
- Developed by Ohio State University as OHS-305 and released in 2008 as a branded variety
- Maturity is 3.8
- Typically our top-yielding soybean!
Apex (3.7) - Ohio Certified
- Developed jointly by the USDA-ARS and the OARDC and released in 2002
- maturity is 3.7
- semidwarf (should be planted with 7-10 inch row spacing at a seeding rate 300,000 seeds/a for maximum yield)
- resistance to Phytophthora root rot (carries Rps1k gene)
- black hila, brown pods, tawny pubescence, purple flowers
- Semidwarf soybeans may be finding a niche (Ohio's Country Journal, 2014)
Resnik (3.5) - Ohio Certified
- Developed at OARDC and released in 1982
- maturity is mid Group 3
- resistance to Phytophthora root rot (carries Rps1k gene)
- black hila, tan pods at maturity, brown pubescence, purple flowers
French's 3212STS (3.2)
- non-GMO with resistance to SU herbicides; true STS variety
- maturity is 3.2
- medium tall
- excellent white mold score
- good phytophthora rating
Streeter (3.0) - Ohio Certified
- Released by Ohio State University in 2008
- maturity is 3.0
- excellent lodging resistance, Phytopthora resistance (Rps1c and Rps3a genes)
- black hila, tan pods, light tawny pubescence, white flowers
Wyandot 14 (2.9) - Ohio Certified
- Released by Ohio State University in 2012
- maturity is 2.9
- specially adapted to the northern half of Ohio where soybean aphid and powdery mildew are likely pests
- yellow (clear) hila, brown pods, gray pubescence, white flowers
Summit (2.6) - Ohio Certified
- Released by Ohio State University in 2011
- maturity is 2.6
- high yielding conventional oil and meal type soybean